
The Difference Between Depression And Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are two mental health disorders that many people in this country suffer from. They are generally linked together, but why is that? Are they the same? Does everyone who has depression have anxiety and vice versa? The differences between depression and anxiety can be murky and generally, like many things that no one understands, it is easier to group them together. Most people are uncertain as to what exactly the difference is between these two mental health disorders. What specifically do depression and anxiety have in common and what are the differences between them? Today, we’ll be diving into the polarity between depression and anxiety to help you figure out a recovery process that works for you.

About Depression

Depression comes in many different forms. When you have depression, you generally are not feeling worried or nervous; instead, you are more preoccupied with a hopelessness or a sadness that seems to overtake you. This sadness can fester inside of you and helps to contribute to a lack of interests, activities, or hobbies that you may have once enjoyed. Also, the sadness can help to change a person’s weight, appetite, sleep pattern, and can contribute to aches and pains without any cause. There is a lack of energy, thoughts of suicide, and death can infiltrate the mind. Additionally, you will believe that the future only holds negativity and misery. In fact, you only know the future does not hold anything good and a feeling of hopelessness seems to settle inside your head. Depression is more focused on a lack of belief of the positivity. Instead of focusing on worrying, there are negative emotions that seem to drive and sustain you. This is a distinction from being constantly worried.

About Anxiety

You’ve probably heard the term anxiety thrown around a lot in conversation, on television, even in literature. Anxiety is when you suffer from a vulnerability or a doubt about what the future may hold. For example, if you are soon to be married and begin to doubt it because of worse case scenarios filtering through your head followed by thinking your marriage won’t be the positive affair you thought it would be. Anxiety is centered around being very concerned and edgy about future prospects and a fear that those prospects will turn negative. It is focused on thoughts that cause you to become very worried and uncomfortable, avoiding certain situations, adapting self-protective behaviors, and believing everything possible can go wrong. This is a different feeling than having a sadness looming inside of you.

How Luminous Counseling Can Help

Depression and anxiety are both serious mental health conditions. Medications can do a great job of lessening or covering up the symptoms but does not solve the underlying issues. It might be easier to take medication and keep them to yourself but by talking to a professional, you will be able to start to live with your depression or anxiety. Luminous Counseling is geared to help those who may feel hopeless or too fearful to enter certain situations. Even though you may think you are fine, it is suggested that you discuss what you are going through with a professional who can help you live a life you have always wanted.

Based in Huntsville, Luminous Counseling is a counseling center that focuses on counseling individuals and couples need assistance in bringing clarity to their life. From emotional issues to substance addiction, we are able to help you change the quality of life you may be living. For more information, contact our facility.

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What To Know About Depression – Part One
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