
Need Help With Addiction? – 5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Reach Out

One of the problems with beating addiction is that it can be a lonely experience.

Often those struggling with addiction feel isolated and cut-off from others who could help.

If this sounds like you, it is important that you reach out to get help with addiction.

Why? Consider five reasons.

Reason #1: You Can’t Do It Alone

Let’s face it, it is almost impossible to beat addiction alone. Occasionally, you hear of someone who has quit “cold turkey.” However, if you dig deeper, they probably have had help with addiction. This could have been a supportive spouse or parent that encouraged them to get treatment.

So, if you want to quit, find someone who cares about you and that you can lean on. This could be a spouse, a parent, a sibling, or an understanding friend.

Reason #2: A Support Group Can Provide Non-Judgmental Advice

Don’t ignore the importance of having a support group of peers available for help. Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous have been shown to be very useful for people with addiction issues. This is because these people understand what it is like to have an addiction and won’t judge you for it.

They are also examples that it is possible to overcome an addiction and be substance-free. A simple check online can help you to find a support group in your area.

There is another advantage of a support group. These programs often provide structure that you can use as you start your recovery. For instance, AA/NA groups use a 12-step model. This can be beneficial as it provides a roadmap through the recovery process. Plus, the other group members will be in different stages of recovery and can provide advice.

Reason #3: You Need Professional Help with Addiction

Along with peer support, it is important to have professional help with addiction. Addiction often involves other issues that keep you from being substance-free.

For instance, along with having an addiction problem, there may also be a mental health diagnosis. A common one is depression. Another problem is that often years of addiction have caused rifts in personal relationships. Therefore, a counselor trained in addiction treatment can help with these serious problems.

Reason #4: You Need to Get Your Life Back on Track

Oftentimes, people who have an extensive substance-abuse history need to get their life back on track. Even if on the surface they seem functional, under the surface there can be real chaos. When getting help with addiction consider reaching out to a life coach or mentor.

They can be helpful with:

  • Getting your living space organized
  • Applying for a job
  • Straightening-out health insurance issues

Don’t forget, if you have been battling addiction for a long period of time, most likely other areas of your life need help, too. A coach who understands these complex issues can be very helpful with solving these problems.

Reason #5: You Have a Need for Companionship

Sometimes it is just nice to spend time with other people and not have to be focused on your problems. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have some fun, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your recovery, of course.

Plus, it can help you to redirect some of that mental energy towards something that is more productive, such as:

  • Rediscovering a hobby or finding a new one
  • Playing on a recreational team
  • Joining a book club
  • Playing board games

Not sure where to find these groups? A simple online search of your community may surprise you with what’s available.

When it comes to substance abuse, it is important to acknowledge you need help with addiction. Whether that help comes from informal sources such as friends and family or support groups and counseling, you need help. Remember, it is OK to ask for help, and there are many people out there willing to provide it.

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